Good Energy Coach

Shopping » Personal Training

12-week Transformation Coaching Package

Price: $1,500.00

Item Description

This is a message for the woman over 40 who feels lost in a body she no longer recognizes.

For the woman who has tried everything to lose the menopausal-muffin top, the hot flashes, brain fog, insomnia and fatigue.

You are not alone, and you don't have to live like this.

You can re-balance your hormones, stop the weight gain, lose the excess
body fat and feel in control of your body and your life again.

"Going through menopause made me feel like my body was abducted by aliens. Walking by a mirror I barely recognized my body. Buying looser clothes so people wouldn’t notice. Trying everything I ever knew to be true but nothing worked anymore. The weight just kept coming on. My three month journey with your coaching helped me get my body back. I thought I'd never be comfortable walking around in a bathing suit again, but here I am!" - Client 2021, age 52.

If you've had enough of trying everything to lose weight, of hiding yourself in baggy clothing, and are ready to experience some serious body shape changes over 40, there are three basic things you need to do:

Lift Heavy Things
Eat more fats than you think and less carbs than you want
Measure Your Progress Weekly

Follow your plan, be supported, reach your goals!

-Nutrition guidance (you'll be eating real food and plenty of it)

-Customized Exercise plans (no gym required)

-Weekly email accountability check-ins (30mins)

-Support and guidance to continue progressing