Good Energy Coach

Shopping » Group Coaching

Vibrant AF

Price: $1,997.00

Item Description

This is for the woman over 40 who feels lost in a body she no longer recognizes.
For the woman who has tried everything to lose the menopausal-muffin top, the hot flashes, brain fog, insomnia and fatigue.

You are not alone, and you don't have to live like this.

You can re-balance your hormones, stop the weight gain, lose the excess

body fat and feel in control of your body and your life again.

If you've had enough of trying everything to lose weight, of hiding yourself in baggy clothing, and are ready to experience serious body shape changes this is for you!

What you'll get:
12 Week Program

Nutrition Plans
Three delicious, easy, customizable meals plans to nourish you and take all the guessing out of how to optimize your hormone balance, and utilize specific supplements to increase energy, lose belly fat, and so much more

Group Coaching Calls
Weekly inspiration, education, support and accountability with coach Sarah to keep you moving forward, plus the camaraderie of like-minded women to share the journey with.

Customized Fitness Plans
Sarah will help you customize your essential movement, strength training and mobility practice, including access to recorded video sessions

Mindset & Strategy
Learn how to utilize journaling, meditation, scheduling, and affirmations to keep focused and stay the course

Plus a Library of Training Modules and Support Coaching Between Calls

In this program, I walk you through the specific;

? nutrition
? fitness
? supplements, and
? mindset strategies, that have transformed my clients experiences (and mine), through this transitional time.